Ways to deal with procrastination
Procrastination is a bad habit that many of us have. Usually, when a job is delayed, most people can't start at all. As a result, a new job is added to the pending work and it goes on like this. In the end, you will live as an unhappy, restless and anxious person.
Do you ever ask yourself how do you feel after postponing a job, especially after not doing the job you postponed?
In this article, I will try to explain how we can solve the habit of procrastination and how to deal with procrastination.
In the early days of procrastination, you will not feel much, but later on, it will become a serious discomfort. Especially if the job you postpone is a job with a "end time", your stress level will increase and you will start to experience negative emotions. Most of us have probably put things off at different times in our lives. We want to lose weight, but we can't start dieting. Or we want to do sports, but we just can't start. We keep postponing. Over time, we gain the habit of procrastination. This is what we should pay the most attention to. It is when procrastination becomes a habit and we begin to procrastinate almost everything. The fact that we even leave the bills to the last day is a proof that we are very prone to procrastination.
Reasons for Postponement
There is no single reason for procrastination. The reasons for procrastination may vary from person to person, situation, time and place. Some people tend to procrastinate on certain things (reading books, quitting smoking, etc.) and some people tend to postpone everything.
To uncover the reasons for procrastination, we need to ask ourselves the following question. Why am I procrastinating?
1. Lack of Meaning
If the work you are going to do makes no sense to you, you are more likely to procrastinate. If a job has no meaning to you, it cannot be expected to motivate you. So if that job doesn't motivate you, procrastination is inevitable.
2. Perfectionism
If you have unrealistic, near-impossible goals that are difficult to achieve, you will still get closer to procrastination. Perfectionists often have an all-or-nothing mindset. Work should be done best or not done at all. The higher the expectation of the person, the more successful the person has to postpone.
3. Evaluation Anxiety
Some people want their work to be controlled. They even want to be supervised. On the contrary, people in the opposite situation do not want to be supervised and controlled, and they become anxious. These types of people try to procrastinate when they know they are being supervised, controlled and watched.
If you don't know exactly what is being asked of you, you will postpone it. (at least until you fully understand)
5. Uncertainty
When you start a new and big job, if you don't know how to start, you will try to postpone it again. For example, you will learn a foreign language, but you do not know how and where to start. Unfortunately, as many people do, you constantly postpone your desire to learn a foreign language. Or you want to play the violin, but you don't know how to start learning. Again, procrastination will be inevitable.
6. Lack of Hardware
When you are going to start a job on a predetermined subject, you can postpone it if you cannot provide the necessary conditions for that job to be done and if you do not have enough equipment. For example, if you want to play basketball but think that tall people can play basketball, you postpone playing basketball. However, short people also play basketball very well.
7.Learned Helplessness
Learned helplessness is the thought that if I have done something before and failed, if I do the same thing again, I will fail. A person who has tried to quit smoking 4-5 times before, but could not quit and is considering quitting again, postpones the act of quitting smoking, thinking that he has tried before but could not quit. He may even delay it to never try again.
8. Inability to Control Oneself
This occurs when we cannot control our impulses. For example, you decided to get up at 7 in the morning and take a walk, but that day you woke up at 9 am. In this case, if you have a structure that cannot control itself, you postpone the walk. Or you've decided to quit drinking, but a friend invites you to the bar and orders your favorite cocktail. If you have a self-control problem, you still want to procrastinate.
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